react hide source code

React Hide Source Code

If you are looking for a way to hide your source code in a React project, there are a few ways to do so. One way is to use the pre and code tags for your code and then use a library like highlight.js for syntax highlighting. Here's how you can do it:

Method 1:

  1. First, install the highlight.js library via npm command:
        npm install highlight.js
  2. Import the library in your React component:
         import hljs from 'highlight.js';
  3. Create a div element and add your code to it, then use the pre and code tags for the code, with a class of 'javascript'  and pass the string to the hljs.highlight() method to highlight the syntax. Here's an example:
    <code className="javascript">
      {hljs.highlight(`function helloWorld() {
        console.log('Hello World');
      }`, { language: 'javascript' }).value}

Your code will now be hidden behind the highlighted syntax.

Method 2:

An alternative way to hide your source code in React is to use a third-party library like React Live. This allows you to write and test your code in a live environment, without exposing your source code to the user. Here's how you can implement it:

  1. Install the react-live library via npm command:
        npm install react-live
  2. Import the library in your React component:
         import { LiveProvider, LiveEditor, LiveError, LivePreview } from 'react-live';
  3. Wrap your code in a LiveProvider component, and use the LiveEditor component for your code. Here's an example:
<LiveProvider code="{`<h1>Hello World!</h1>`}">
  <LiveEditor />
  <LiveError />
  <LivePreview />

Your code will now be hidden behind the live environment, and the user will only see the output.

These are just a couple of ways to hide your source code in a React project. Choose the method that works best for you and your project.

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