react native custom debounce input

React Native Custom Debounce Input

Debouncing is a technique used to limit the number of times a function is called. In React Native, debounce can be used to limit the number of input events that are fired. This can help improve performance and prevent unnecessary rerenders.

How to create a custom debounce input in React Native?

One way to create a custom debounce input in React Native is to use the useCallback hook along with the useEffect hook. Here's an example:

      import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
      import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
      import debounce from 'lodash.debounce';
      const CustomDebounceInput = ({ onChangeText, }) => {
        const [value, setValue] = useState(rest.value);
        const debouncedOnChangeText = useCallback(
          debounce((text) => {
          }, 1000),
        useEffect(() => {
        }, [value]);
        return (
            onChangeText={(text) => {
      export default CustomDebounceInput;

In this example, we import the necessary React Native components and the debounce function from the lodash library. We then define a functional component called CustomDebounceInput that takes in an onChangeText prop and any other props that can be passed to the TextInput component.

We define state using the useState hook for the input value and define a debounced version of the onChangeText function using the useCallback hook and the debounce function. The debounced function will only be called after a certain amount of time has passed since the last input event.

We use the useEffect hook to call the debounced function whenever the input value changes.

Finally, we return a TextInput component that passes all props to it, including the debounced onChangeText function.

Alternative Method:

Another way to create a custom debounce input in React Native is to use the setTimeout and clearTimeout functions. Here's an example:

      import React, { useState } from 'react';
      import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
      const CustomDebounceInput = ({ onChangeText, }) => {
        const [value, setValue] = useState(rest.value);
        let timeout = null;
        const handleOnChangeText = (text) => {
          timeout = setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000);
        return (
            onChangeText={(text) => {
      export default CustomDebounceInput;

In this example, we define a functional component that takes in an onChangeText prop and any other props that can be passed to the TextInput component. We define state using the useState hook for the input value and create a variable called timeout. This variable will be used to store a reference to the setTimeout function.

We then define a function called handleOnChangeText that will be called every time the input value changes. This function will clear the current timeout and create a new one that will call the onChangeText function after a certain amount of time has passed.

Finally, we return a TextInput component that passes all props to it, including the handleOnChangeText function.

Both of these methods can be used to create a custom debounce input in React Native. The first method uses the useCallback and useEffect hooks along with the debounce function from the lodash library. The second method uses the setTimeout and clearTimeout functions to create a similar effect.

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