react native geolocation

React Native Geolocation

Geolocation is an important feature for many mobile applications, allowing developers to create location-based services and navigation features. React Native provides a module called Geolocation that allows developers to access the device's GPS or other location services.

How to use React Native Geolocation

To use React Native Geolocation, you first need to import it:

import { Geolocation } from 'react-native';

Then, you can use the methods provided by Geolocation to get the current location or watch for changes in the location:


The getCurrentPosition() method allows you to get the current location of the device:

  position => {
  error => {
  { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000 }

The getCurrentPosition() method takes three arguments:

  • A success callback function that is called when the location is successfully retrieved. The function is passed an object that contains the latitude and longitude of the device's current location.
  • An error callback function that is called if there is an error getting the location.
  • An options object that allows you to specify options for the location request, such as enabling high accuracy or setting a timeout.


The watchPosition() method allows you to continuously watch for changes in the device's location:

const watchId = Geolocation.watchPosition(
  position => {
  error => {
  { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000 }

The watchPosition() method returns a watch ID that you can use to stop watching for location changes with the clearWatch() method.


Alternate ways to use React Native Geolocation

While the methods described above are the most common ways to use React Native Geolocation, there are other ways to access the device's location. One alternative is to use a third-party library such as react-native-geolocation, which provides additional features such as reverse geocoding and location simulation.

Another alternative is to use a platform-specific API, such as the Android Location API or the iOS Core Location framework. While this approach requires more code and platform-specific knowledge, it can provide greater control and customization over the location services.

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