recaptcha v3 JS

Understanding reCAPTCHA v3 JS

reCAPTCHA v3 JS is a tool used to protect websites from spam and abuse by bots. It is a JavaScript-based API that allows website owners to integrate it into their website with ease. With reCAPTCHA v3 JS, users no longer have to solve a captcha puzzle or prove they are human, but rather, reCAPTCHA v3 JS uses machine learning algorithms to identify and block suspicious traffic.

How reCAPTCHA v3 JS works

reCAPTCHA v3 JS works by assigning a score to each interaction on your website. The score is based on the user's behavior and is used to determine whether the user is a bot or a human. The scores range from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest score a user can receive. If a user's score is below a certain threshold set by the website owner, the user will be prompted to solve a captcha puzzle.

Integrating reCAPTCHA v3 JS

Integrating reCAPTCHA v3 JS into your website is a straightforward process. First, you must sign up for an API key on the Google reCAPTCHA website. Once you have your API key, you can add the reCAPTCHA script to your website's HTML code using the following code:

<script src=""></script>

Replace "YOUR_SITE_KEY" with your actual API key.

Next, you must initialize the reCAPTCHA script by calling the "grecaptcha.execute" function. You can add the following code to your website's JavaScript file:

grecaptcha.execute('YOUR_SITE_KEY', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) {
  // Verify the token on the server-side.

This code will execute the reCAPTCHA script when a user interacts with your website, and it will return a token that you can verify on the server-side to determine whether the user is a bot or a human.

reCAPTCHA v3 JS vs. reCAPTCHA v2

reCAPTCHA v3 JS is the latest version of Google's reCAPTCHA technology, and it is designed to be more user-friendly and secure than its predecessors. Unlike reCAPTCHA v2, which requires users to solve a captcha puzzle, reCAPTCHA v3 JS uses machine learning algorithms to identify and block suspicious traffic. This makes it easier for users to interact with your website without having to prove they are human.

However, there are still some situations where reCAPTCHA v2 may be more appropriate. For example, if you are running a high-security website, such as a banking or financial institution, you may want to use reCAPTCHA v2 to ensure that only human users can access your website.

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