regex exec fails twice

Why Regex Exec Fails Twice?

Regex or Regular Expressions is a powerful tool for searching, finding and manipulating text data. It can be used in many programming languages to perform various operations on strings. However, sometimes regex exec fails twice, which can cause confusion among developers. Let's explore some possible reasons for this issue.

1. Global Flag not set

The most common reason for regex exec failing twice is that the global flag is not set. By default, the regex engine stops after finding the first match. If you want to find all matches in a string, you need to set the global flag. Here's an example:

    const regex = /hello/g;
    const str = 'hello world, hello universe';
    let match;
    while (match = regex.exec(str)) {
      console.log(match[0], match.index);

2. lastIndex not reset

Another reason for regex exec failing twice is that the lastIndex property is not reset. The lastIndex property specifies the index at which to start the next search. If you don't reset it, the regex engine will start searching from the previous index and may miss some matches. Here's an example:

    const regex = /hello/g;
    const str = 'hello world, hello universe';
    let match;
    while (match = regex.exec(str)) {
      console.log(match[0], match.index);
      regex.lastIndex = match.index + 1;

3. Incorrect Regex Pattern

One more reason for regex exec failing twice is that the regex pattern is incorrect. This can happen if you don't escape special characters or use incorrect syntax. In such cases, the regex engine may not find any matches or miss some matches. Here's an example:

    const regex = /hello\sworld/g; // \s matches whitespace
    const str = 'hello       world, hello universe';
    let match;
    while (match = regex.exec(str)) {
      console.log(match[0], match.index);

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