repeated click onchange javascript

Repeated Clicks on onchange Javascript

If you are working with a form in your website that requires user input, you may have come across the need to track changes made by the user. This is where the onchange javascript event comes in handy. It triggers a function every time the value of an input element changes. However, there may be instances where multiple changes are made in quick succession, resulting in multiple onchange events being triggered. In this blog post, we will explore how to handle repeated clicks on onchange javascript.


Let's say you have a form that requires the user to select their preferred payment method from a drop-down menu. You have written a javascript function that listens for changes made to the payment method input element and takes appropriate action based on the selected payment method. Here's an example code snippet:

function handlePaymentMethodChange() {
  var paymentMethod = document.getElementById("payment-method").value;
  if (paymentMethod === "credit-card") {
    // show credit card input fields
  } else if (paymentMethod === "paypal") {
    // show paypal input fields
  } else {
    // hide all input fields

document.getElementById("payment-method").addEventListener("change", handlePaymentMethodChange);

As you can see, we are using the onchange event to trigger the handlePaymentMethodChange function every time the payment method is changed. However, if the user clicks on the dropdown multiple times in quick succession, the onchange event will be triggered multiple times, resulting in unexpected behavior.

Solution 1: Debouncing

One way to handle repeated clicks on onchange javascript is to use a technique called debouncing. Debouncing is a programming technique that introduces a delay between successive function calls, allowing the first function call to complete before the next one is executed. Here's how you can implement debouncing:

function debounce(func, delay) {
  var timer;
  return function() {
    var context = this, args = arguments;
    timer = setTimeout(function() {
      func.apply(context, args);
    }, delay);

var handlePaymentMethodChangeDebounced = debounce(handlePaymentMethodChange, 300);

document.getElementById("payment-method").addEventListener("change", handlePaymentMethodChangeDebounced);

In this example, we are using the debounce function to create a new function that delays the execution of the handlePaymentMethodChange function by 300 milliseconds. This means that if the user clicks on the dropdown multiple times in quick succession, the handlePaymentMethodChange function will only be executed once after a delay of 300 milliseconds.

Solution 2: Disabling the Input Element

Another way to handle repeated clicks on onchange javascript is to disable the input element after it has been changed. This will prevent the user from making any further changes until the previous change has been processed. Here's how you can implement this:

function handlePaymentMethodChange() {
  var paymentMethod = document.getElementById("payment-method").value;
  if (paymentMethod === "credit-card") {
    // show credit card input fields
  } else if (paymentMethod === "paypal") {
    // show paypal input fields
  } else {
    // hide all input fields
  document.getElementById("payment-method").disabled = true;

document.getElementById("payment-method").addEventListener("change", handlePaymentMethodChange);

In this example, we are disabling the payment method input element after it has been changed. This will prevent the user from making any further changes until the previous change has been processed.


Handling repeated clicks on onchange javascript can be tricky, but with the right techniques, it is possible to achieve the desired behavior. Debouncing and disabling the input element are two effective solutions that you can use to handle repeated clicks on onchange javascript.

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