response.json() promise pending

What to do when response.json() promise is pending?

As a developer, you may encounter a situation where you call the response.json() method on a fetch request, but the promise returned by the method remains pending. This can happen due to several reasons, and in this article, we will discuss some of the common causes and how to solve them.

Reasons for response.json() promise being pending

  • Network issue: If there is a network issue, the fetch request may not be able to reach the server, and hence the response will be pending. To check for network issues, you can use the browser's network tab or try making the same request using another network.
  • Server issue: If the server is down, or there is some issue with the server-side code, the response may remain pending. In this case, you need to contact the server admin or check the server logs for errors.
  • Incorrect syntax: If there is a syntax error in your code or in the server-side code, it may result in the response remaining pending. Ensure that your code is error-free and matches the server-side API documentation.

Solutions to resolve response.json() promise being pending

If the cause of the response being pending is due to a network or server issue, you can try the following solutions:

  • Retry: If there is a network issue or server issue, you can retry the request after a few seconds. You can also implement retry logic in your code to automatically retry failed requests.
  • CORS: If the server is not configured to allow CORS requests, you may need to configure the server to accept CORS requests from your domain.
  • Check response status: If the response status is not 200 (OK), it may indicate an error. You can check the response status and handle the error accordingly.

If the cause of the response being pending is due to incorrect syntax, you can try the following solutions:

  • Check code: Check your code for syntax errors and ensure that it matches the server-side API documentation.
  • Debug: Use debugging tools to pinpoint the error and fix it accordingly.

Code example in HTML format

  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
    return response.json();
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

In the above code example, we make a fetch request to the example API, and if the response is not ok, we throw an error. Otherwise, we call the response.json() method to convert the response to JSON format. If there is an error, we catch the error and log it to the console.

Remember, before you call response.json(), ensure that the status of the response is okay by checking the ok property of the response object. Also, handle any errors that may occur during the fetch request or during conversion of the response to JSON format.

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