select prev item jquery

Select Prev Item jQuery

As a web developer, I have come across situations where I needed to select the previous element in jQuery. There are several ways to achieve this, and I will be discussing them in detail below.

Using .prev() method in jQuery

The .prev() method in jQuery selects the immediately preceding sibling of the selected element. For example, if we have the following HTML code:

    <p>First paragraph</p>
    <p>Second paragraph</p>

To select the first paragraph element, we can use the following jQuery code:


This will return the first paragraph element, as it is the immediately preceding sibling of the second paragraph element.

Using .prevAll() method in jQuery

The .prevAll() method in jQuery selects all the preceding siblings of the selected element. For example, if we have the following HTML code:

    <p>First paragraph</p>
    <p>Second paragraph</p>
    <p>Third paragraph</p>

To select all the previous paragraph elements before the third paragraph element, we can use the following jQuery code:


This will return an array containing the first and second paragraph elements, as they are the preceding siblings of the third paragraph element.

Using .prevUntil() method in jQuery

The .prevUntil() method in jQuery selects all the preceding siblings of the selected element until it encounters a specified selector. For example, if we have the following HTML code:

    <p>First paragraph</p>
        <li>First item</li>
        <li>Second item</li>
        <li class="selected">Third item</li>
        <li>Fourth item</li>
    <p>Second paragraph</p>
    <p>Third paragraph</p>

To select all the previous paragraph elements before the third paragraph element until it encounters the ul element, we can use the following jQuery code:


This will return an array containing the first and second paragraph elements, as they are the preceding siblings of the ul element.

In conclusion, there are several ways to select the previous element in jQuery, depending on the specific situation and requirements. It is important to choose the appropriate method to ensure efficient and effective coding.

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