sha-1 certificate fingerprint react native
What is SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in React Native?
SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint is a unique identifier for a digital certificate which is used to verify the authenticity and integrity of an application or website. In React Native, SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint is used to secure your app when you publish it to the Google Play Store.
How to get SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in React Native
There are multiple ways to get SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in React Native:
- Using Android Studio
- Using Command Prompt/Terminal
- Using Keytool
Using Android Studio
To get SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint using Android Studio, follow these steps:
- Open your React Native app in Android Studio.
- Select Gradle from the right-hand side menu.
- Navigate to your app > Tasks > android > signingReport.
- Double click on signingReport.
- After the build is completed, you will see your SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in the Run window.
Using Command Prompt/Terminal
To get SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint using Command Prompt/Terminal, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the directory where your React Native app is located.
- Type the following command:
keytool -list -v -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
- You will see your SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in the output.
Using Keytool
To get SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint using keytool, follow these steps:
- Open Command Prompt or Terminal.
- Navigate to the directory where keytool is located.
- Type the following command:
keytool -list -v -keystore path/to/keystore
- You will be prompted for your keystore password. Enter your keystore password.
- You will see your SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint in the output.
SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint is a crucial component in securing your React Native app. It is important to get it right and ensure that it is included in the Google Play Store listing of your app. Follow the steps outlined above to get your SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint and secure your React Native app.
console.log("Stay secure with SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint!");