speedtest-net node.js

Speedtest-net and Node.js

Speedtest.net is an internet speed testing platform which provides accurate results of download/upload speeds, ping, and other network-related statistics. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is used for developing server-side web applications and networking tools.

Using Node.js with Speedtest.net

Node.js can be used to create a custom speed test application using the Speedtest.net API. The API provides a set of endpoints for testing network speeds and retrieving results in JSON format. The following code demonstrates how to use Node.js to perform a speed test using the Speedtest.net API:

const speedTest = require('speedtest-net');

speedTest({maxTime: 5000})
  .then(result => {
  .catch(err => {
  • The first step is to install the 'speedtest-net' module using npm.
  • The 'maxTime' option specifies the maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the test to complete.
  • The 'result' object contains the following properties:
  • Download speed in Mbps
  • Upload speed in Mbps
  • Ping in ms
  • Server information

Another way to use Node.js with Speedtest.net is by using third-party libraries like 'speedtest-cli'. This library allows you to execute speed tests from the command line and retrieve results in a human-readable format.

const speedtest = require('speedtest-cli');

  .then(result => {
  .catch(err => {

The above code uses the 'speedtest-cli' module to execute a speed test and retrieve the results. The 'result' object contains the following properties:

  • Download speed in Mbps
  • Upload speed in Mbps
  • Ping in ms
  • Server information


Node.js can be a powerful tool for creating custom network testing applications using the Speedtest.net API. By leveraging the power of Node.js, it is possible to create applications that can accurately measure network speeds and provide insights into network performance.

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