vue js destroyed

Vue.js Destroyed

As a web developer who has used Vue.js extensively in my projects, I have come across the concept of Vue.js destroyed on numerous occasions. In simple terms, Vue.js destroyed is a lifecycle hook that is triggered just before a component is removed from the DOM.

How to use Vue.js Destroyed

To use Vue.js destroyed, you need to add it as a method to your Vue component. The destroyed method will be called just before the component is removed from the DOM. This can be helpful in cleaning up any resources that the component may have been using.

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                myResource: null
        created() {
            this.myResource = fetch('')
                .then(res => res.json())
        destroyed() {
            this.myResource.cancel() // cleanup resource

In the above example, we are cancelling a fetch request that we made in created hook of the component as soon as the component is destroyed. This ensures that we are not wasting any resources and prevents any memory leaks.

Alternative ways to handle cleanup

Another way to handle cleanup is by using a watcher on a prop or data that is used by the component. When this prop or data changes, we can run our cleanup code.

    export default {
        props: ['myProp'],
        watch: {
            myProp() {
                // cleanup code here

Similarly, we can use beforeDestroy lifecycle hook as well. The beforeDestroy hook is triggered just before the component is destroyed, and we can perform any necessary cleanup in this hook as well.

    export default {
        beforeDestroy() {
            // cleanup code here


Vue.js destroyed is an important lifecycle hook that should not be overlooked. It provides an easy way to clean up any resources that a component may have been using and prevents memory leaks. Apart from destroyed, we also have other lifecycle hooks like created, mounted, updated, and beforeDestroy that can be used to handle various aspects of a Vue component.

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