Vue.js Refs

Vue.js Refs

If you're working with Vue.js, you might have heard of refs before. Refs is a feature in Vue.js that allows you to access and manipulate DOM elements directly. It's a way to get a reference to a specific element and interact with it programmatically.

The basic syntax for using refs in Vue.js is to add a ref attribute to an element you want to reference:

    <input ref="myInput" v-model="message">

In this example, we're adding a ref attribute to an input element and giving it the name "myInput".

Once you've created a ref, you can use it in your Vue instance using the $refs property:

    <input ref="myInput" v-model="message">
    <button v-on:click="submitForm">Submit</button>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        message: "",
    methods: {
      submitForm() {
        const input = this.$refs.myInput;

In this example, we're using the $refs property to get a reference to the input element with the ref="myInput" attribute. We then use this reference in our submitForm method to get the value of the input field.

There are many use cases for refs. For example, you might use them to:

  • Focus on an input field when a component is mounted
  • Trigger a method when a certain element is clicked
  • Access the properties of a child component from a parent component

Overall, refs provide a simple and powerful way to interact with the DOM in Vue.js.

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