want the app to save the passing screen after a user has passed the test even when the app exits in react native

How to Save the Passing Screen After a User Has Passed the Test Even When the App Exits in React Native

If you want your app to remember the passing screen after a user has passed the test even when the app exits in React Native, there are several ways to achieve this.

Method 1 - Using AsyncStorage

You can use AsyncStorage to save the passing screen data locally on the user's device. Here's how:

  1. Import AsyncStorage from 'react-native'.
  2. Use AsyncStorage.setItem() method to save the passing screen data with a key.
  3. Use AsyncStorage.getItem() method to retrieve the passing screen data using the same key when the app is opened again.

import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';

// Save passing screen data
AsyncStorage.setItem('passingScreenData', JSON.stringify(passingScreenData));

// Retrieve passing screen data
AsyncStorage.getItem('passingScreenData').then(passingScreenData => {
  if (passingScreenData !== null) {
    // Do something with passing screen data

Method 2 - Using Redux

You can use Redux to save the passing screen data in a global state. Here's how:

  1. Create a Redux store and reducers for the passing screen data.
  2. Dispatch an action to update the passing screen data when the user passes the test.
  3. Use mapStateToProps() method to retrieve the passing screen data when the app is opened again.

// Define Redux store and reducers
const passingScreenReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return { ...state, ...action.payload };
      return state;

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  passingScreen: passingScreenReducer,

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

// Dispatch action to update passing screen data
store.dispatch({ type: 'UPDATE_PASSING_SCREEN_DATA', payload: passingScreenData });

// Retrieve passing screen data
const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return { passingScreenData: state.passingScreen };

These are just two methods to save passing screen data in React Native. Depending on your app's complexity and use case, you may need to use a combination of these methods or try other methods such as using SQLite or Firebase.

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