xmlhttprequest set route params
The XMLHttpRequest object is an API that provides client-side scripting languages with a mechanism to make asynchronous HTTP requests to a web server. It can be used to set route parameters, which are the parameters that determine the route of a request, such as the URL, query string, headers, and other such data. To set route parameters, you use the XMLHttpRequest's setRequestHeader() method, which takes two arguments: a name and a value. The name is the name of the parameter you want to set, and the value is the value for that parameter.
For example, if you wanted to set a query string parameter called "foo" with a value of "bar", you could use the following code:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://example.com/");
xhr.setRequestHeader("foo", "bar");
This code would result in a request that looks like this:
GET http://example.com/?foo=bar
You can also set multiple route parameters at once by passing an object to the setRequestHeader() method. For example:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://example.com/");
xhr.setRequestHeader({foo: "bar", baz: "qux"});
This code would result in a request that looks like this:
GET http://example.com/?foo=bar&baz=qux
The XMLHttpRequest object also has the ability to set custom headers, which can be used to provide additional information to the server. For example:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://example.com/");
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Foo", "Bar");
This code would result in a request that looks like this:
GET http://example.com/ HTTP/1.1
X-Foo: Bar
As you can see, the XMLHttpRequest object provides a powerful way to set route parameters and custom headers in an HTTP request.