angualr js checknbox not working js

Checkbox functionality in AngularJS is handled through the ng-model directive. The ng-model directive is used to bind the value of an HTML control to a variable in the scope of your AngularJS application.

To get the checkbox working, you need to add the ng-model directive to the checkbox, assign it a variable and then add the variable to the scope of your application.

<input type="checkbox" name="check" ng-model="check">

$scope.check = false;

The ng-model directive will create a two-way binding between the checkbox and the value of the variable check in the scope. Whenever the checkbox is checked or unchecked, the value of check in the scope will be set to true or false respectively.

To enable the checkbox based on some condition, you can use the ng-checked directive. This will allow you to bind the value of the checkbox to a boolean expression, which can be used to enable or disable the checkbox based on some condition.

<input type="checkbox" name="check" ng-model="check" ng-checked="someCondition">

The ng-checked directive will evaluate the expression someCondition and set the check variable in the scope to true or false based on the result of the expression.

You can also use the ng-change directive, to invoke a function whenever the state of the checkbox is changed. This will allow you to perform some action when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.

<input type="checkbox" name="check" ng-model="check" ng-change="someFunction()">

The ng-change directive will invoke the function someFunction whenever the checkbox is checked or unchecked. This allows you to perform some action when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.

In summary, the checkbox functionality in AngularJS is handled through the ng-model directive. You can use the ng-checked and ng-change directives to enable/disable the checkbox based on some condition or to invoke a function whenever the state of the checkbox is changed respectively.

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