Laravel JSON Where Query

Using the Laravel framework, you can perform a WHERE query on a JSON column in a couple of different ways. The simplest and most straightforward way is to use the whereJsonContains() method:

$users = User::whereJsonContains('json_column', 'value')->get();

This will return all the users whose JSON column contains the value 'value'. You can also use the whereRaw() method to perform a more complex query. For example, to get all the users whose JSON column contains a key with a specific value:

$users = User::whereRaw("JSON_CONTAINS(json_column, '$.key', 'value')")->get();

Finally, you can use the whereJsonLength() method to get all the users whose JSON column contains a certain number of elements. For example:

$users = User::whereJsonLength('json_column', 5)->get();

This will return all the users whose JSON column contains 5 elements. These are just some of the ways you can use to perform a WHERE query on a JSON column in Laravel.

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