append div inside div js

Append Div Inside Div in JavaScript

If you want to add a div element inside another div element using JavaScript, you can use the DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation methods. This can be useful when you want to dynamically add new content to your webpage or modify existing content.

Using the appendChild Method

One way to append a div element inside another div element is by using the appendChild() method.

const parentDiv = document.querySelector('#parent-div');
const childDiv = document.createElement('div');

In the code above, we first select the parent div element using the querySelector() method and store it in a variable called parentDiv. Then, we create a new div element using the createElement() method and store it in a variable called childDiv. Finally, we append the child div element to the parent div element using the appendChild() method.

Using the insertBefore Method

Another way to append a div element inside another div element is by using the insertBefore() method.

const parentDiv = document.querySelector('#parent-div');
const childDiv = document.createElement('div');
const siblingDiv = parentDiv.querySelector('.sibling-div');
parentDiv.insertBefore(childDiv, siblingDiv);

In the code above, we first select the parent div element using the querySelector() method and store it in a variable called parentDiv. Then, we create a new div element using the createElement() method and store it in a variable called childDiv. We also select a sibling div element using the querySelector() method and store it in a variable called siblingDiv. Finally, we insert the child div element before the sibling div element using the insertBefore() method.

Both the appendChild() and insertBefore() methods can be used to append any HTML element inside another HTML element using JavaScript.

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