check for url change js

Check for URL Change JS

Checking for URL changes is an important aspect when it comes to web development. Sometimes, we need to change the URL of our website, and we need to make sure that all the links on our website are still working fine. We can check for URL changes using JavaScript, and in this article, we will discuss how to do the same.

Method 1: Using Window.Location

We can use the window.location object of JavaScript to check for any changes in the URL. This object contains information about the current URL of the web page. We can write a JavaScript function that will check for any changes in the URL, and update the content of the web page accordingly.

function checkURLChange() {
  var currentURL = window.location.href;
  setInterval(function() {
    if (window.location.href !== currentURL) {
      currentURL = window.location.href;
      // Code to execute on URL change
  }, 100); // Check every 100 milliseconds

In the above code snippet, we have created a function named checkURLChange() that will check for any changes in the URL every 100 milliseconds. If there is any change in the URL, we are updating the currentURL variable with the new URL, and then we can execute any code that we want to execute on URL change.

Method 2: Using Hash Change Event

We can also use the hashchange event of JavaScript to check for any changes in the URL. This event is triggered whenever there is a change in the URL hash.

window.addEventListener("hashchange", function() {
  // Code to execute on URL change
}, false);

In the above code snippet, we have added an event listener to the window object that listens for any changes in the URL hash. Whenever there is a change in the URL hash, the code inside the function will be executed.


Checking for URL changes is an important aspect of web development, and we have discussed two methods using JavaScript to achieve the same. The first method uses the window.location object to check for changes in the URL, while the second method uses the hashchange event to achieve the same.

Both methods are effective, and you can choose any one of them based on your requirements. It is always a good practice to check for URL changes and update the content of your web page accordingly.

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