iterate through linked list javascript

Iterating Through a Linked List in Javascript

If you are working with linked lists in Javascript, you may need to iterate through them to access or manipulate their nodes. In this article, I will demonstrate different methods to iterate through a linked list in Javascript.

Method 1: Using a While Loop

The simplest way to iterate through a linked list is by using a while loop. Here is an example:

let currentNode = head; // head is the first node of the linked list
while (currentNode !== null) {
  // do something with currentNode
  currentNode =; // move to the next node

In this code, we start with the first node of the linked list, and keep moving to the next node until we reach the end of the list (when currentNode becomes null). You can replace the comment "do something with currentNode" with your own code to perform any operation on each node of the linked list.

Method 2: Using a For Loop

Another way to iterate through a linked list is by using a for loop. Here is an example:

for (let currentNode = head; currentNode !== null; currentNode = {
  // do something with currentNode

This code is similar to the while loop method, but it uses a for loop instead. The initialization expression sets the currentNode to the first node of the linked list, and the condition expression checks if currentNode is not null (i.e., we haven't reached the end of the list). The update expression moves to the next node after each iteration.

Method 3: Using Recursion

A third way to iterate through a linked list is by using recursion. Here is an example:

function iterateLinkedList(node) {
  if (node === null) return;
  // do something with node

iterateLinkedList(head); // head is the first node of the linked list

In this code, we define a recursive function called "iterateLinkedList" that takes a node as its argument. The function first checks if the node is null (i.e., we have reached the end of the list), and if so, it returns. Otherwise, it performs some operation on the node, and then calls itself with the next node as its argument.

To use this method, we simply call the "iterateLinkedList" function with the first node of the linked list as its argument.


These are three different methods to iterate through a linked list in Javascript. Choose the one that suits your needs and coding style the best. Remember to test your code thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected.

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