check if elem found jest

How to Check if an Element is Found in Jest

If you are working with Jest, which is a popular testing framework for JavaScript, you might want to check if a certain element is present in your code. Here's how you can do it:

Method 1: Using the toHaveLength() Method

The easiest way to check if an element is found in Jest is to use the toHaveLength() method. This method checks the length of an array or a string and returns true if the length is greater than zero. Here's an example:

test('example test', () => {
  const elem = document.querySelector('.my-class');

In this example, we use the querySelector() method to find an element with the class 'my-class'. We then use the expect() function to test if the element has a length of one using the toHaveLength() method.

Method 2: Using the toBeTruthy() Method

Another way to check if an element is found in Jest is to use the toBeTruthy() method. This method checks if a value is truthy, which means it is not null, undefined, false, 0, NaN, or an empty string. Here's an example:

test('example test', () => {
  const elem = document.querySelector('.my-class');

In this example, we use the querySelector() method to find an element with the class 'my-class'. We then use the expect() function to test if the element is truthy using the toBeTruthy() method.

Method 3: Using the toBeNull() Method

If you want to check if an element is not found in Jest, you can use the toBeNull() method. This method checks if a value is null. Here's an example:

test('example test', () => {
  const elem = document.querySelector('.non-existent-class');

In this example, we use the querySelector() method to try to find an element with a non-existent class. We then use the expect() function to test if the element is null using the toBeNull() method.

These are some of the ways you can check if an element is found in Jest. Depending on your use case, one method may be more appropriate than the others.

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