Hackerrank Ruby - Strings - Methods II Solution

Hackerrank Ruby - Strings - Methods II Solution

In this tutorial, we'll learn about the methods in String class that help us to search and replace portions of the string based on a text or pattern.

  • String.include?(string) - Returns true if str contains the given string or character. Very simple!    > "hello".include? "lo"   #=> true > "hello".include? "ol"   #=> false
  • String.gsub(pattern, <hash|replacement>) - Returns a new string with allthe occurrences of the pattern substituted for the second argument: . The pattern is typically a Regexp, but a string can also be used.    "hello".gsub(/[aeiou]/, '*')                  #=> "h*ll*" "hello".gsub(/([aeiou])/, '')             #=> "hll"

Either method will depend upon the problem you are trying to solve, and the nature of input-output behavior you desire.

In this challenge, your task is to write the following methods:

  • mask_article which appends strike tags around certain words in a text. The method takes 2 arguments: A string and an array of words. It then replaces all the instances of words in the text with the modified version.
  • A helper method strike, given one string, appends strike off HTML tags around it. The strike off HTML tag is <strike></strike>.

For example:

> strike("Meow!") # => "<strike>Meow!</strike>"
> strike("Foolan Barik") # => "<strike>Foolan Barik</strike>"
> mask_article("Hello World! This is crap!", ["crap"])
"Hello World! This is <strike>crap</strike>!"

Apply the helper method in completing your main method.

Solution in ruby

Approach 1.

def mask_article(str, arr)
    arr.each { |word| str.gsub!(/#{word}/, strike(word)) }

def strike(str)
    "<strike>" + "#{str}" + "</strike>"

Approach 2.

def strike(str)
    return "<strike>#{str}</strike>"
def mask_article(str, words)
    words.each{|to_rep| str.gsub!(to_rep, strike(to_rep))}
    return str

Approach 3.

# Enter your code here
def mask_article(s, words)
    words.each do |w|
        s = s.gsub(w, strike(w))
    return s

def strike(s)
    return "<strike>" + s + "</strike>"

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