how to check if the const is jsx

When checking if a const is JSX, the most reliable way is to check the type of the const. JSX is a special type of Javascript syntax, so if the const is of type JSX then you can be sure that it is JSX. To check the type of the const, you can use the typeof operator in Javascript.

const myConst = 'This is a const';

// Check the type of the const
console.log(typeof myConst);
// Outputs: 'string'

If the typeof the const is 'object' then it is likely to be JSX. When JSX is compiled by a transpiler such as Babel, it is converted into a React.createElement call. React.createElement calls return a data type of object.

const myJSX = This is JSX;

// Check the type of the const
console.log(typeof myJSX);
// Outputs: 'object'

To be absolutely certain that the const is JSX, you can also check the constructor type of the const. The constructor type of JSX will be the built-in React.Element constructor.

const myJSX = This is JSX;

// Check the constructor type of the const
// Outputs: ƒ () { [native code] }

If you are using a transpiler such as Babel, you can also check the compiled code to see if it is a React.createElement call. This will confirm whether the const is JSX or not.

const myJSX = This is JSX;

// Check the compiled code
// Outputs: React.createElement("div", null, "This is JSX")

By using the typeof operator and checking the constructor type, you can reliably check if a const is JSX.

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