How to set variable data in JSON body for the code that generated by Postman in c#

Setting Variable Data in JSON Body for Postman Generated Code in C#

As a developer, I have used Postman for API testing and generating code for various languages including C#. One of the features that I find helpful in Postman is the ability to set variable data in the JSON body. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1: Define Variables in Postman Environment

Before setting variable data in the JSON body, you need to define variables in the Postman environment. These variables can be defined globally or for a specific collection or request. You can define variables by going to the Postman app, clicking on the "Manage Environments" button, and creating a new environment or editing an existing one. Once you have created an environment, you can add variables by clicking on the "Add" button and giving it a name and a value.

Step 2: Use Variables in JSON Body

Now that you have defined variables in the Postman environment, you can use them in the JSON body of your request. To do this, you need to surround the variable name with double curly braces "{{}}" and use it as a placeholder for the value. For example:

    "name": "{{name}}",
    "email": "{{email}}",
    "age": {{age}}

In the above example, we are using three variables: "name", "email", and "age". The first two variables are strings and are surrounded by double quotes, while the third variable is a number and doesn't need quotes.

Step 3: Assign Values to Variables

Now that you have defined variables in the Postman environment and used them in the JSON body, you need to assign values to these variables before sending the request. There are multiple ways to assign values to variables:

  • Manually: You can manually assign values to variables by clicking on the "Environment Quick Look" button in the Postman app and editing the environment variables.
  • Pre-Request Script: You can write a pre-request script in your Postman request that assigns values to variables. To do this, you need to go to the "Pre-request Script" tab in your request and write JavaScript code that sets values to variables.
  • Data File: You can create a data file in CSV or JSON format that contains values for your variables and import it in your Postman request. To do this, you need to click on the "Bulk Edit" button in your request and import the data file.

Once you have assigned values to your variables, you can send the request and Postman will replace the variable placeholders with actual values.

    "name": "Raju",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "age": 30

In the above example, we have assigned values to the three variables we used in the JSON body.


Setting variable data in JSON body is a useful feature in Postman that allows you to create dynamic requests without hard-coding values. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily set variable data in JSON body for the code generated by Postman in C# and other languages.

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