isequal dayjs

isequal dayjs

Dayjs is a lightweight and modern JavaScript library that allows us to manipulate, parse and display dates and times in our applications. It provides an extensive API for working with dates, including comparison methods. One of such methods is isSame, which can be used to check if two dates are the same, but it doesn't consider the time component of the dates.

If you need to compare two dates including the time component, you can use the isSame method with the second argument set to "minute". However, an alternative method is isSameOrAfter and isSameOrBefore. This is a good option when you want to check if a date is within a range or if two dates are equal, including the time component.

Here's an example of how you can use isSameOrAfter and isSameOrBefore:

const date1 = dayjs('2022-03-14 16:30');
const date2 = dayjs('2022-03-14 16:30');

// Check if date1 is same or after date2
console.log(date1.isSameOrAfter(date2)); // true

// Check if date1 is same or before date2
console.log(date1.isSameOrBefore(date2)); // true

This code creates two Dayjs objects representing the same date and time. Then, we use the isSameOrAfter and isSameOrBefore methods to compare them. Both methods return true because the dates are the same.

It's important to note that Dayjs uses strict comparison when comparing dates, meaning that if the dates are not exactly the same, the methods will return false. Therefore, it's recommended to use the format method to normalize the dates before comparing them.

Here's an example:

const date1 = dayjs('2022-03-14 16:30');
const date2 = dayjs('2022-03-14 04:30 PM');

// Normalize the dates
const normalizedDate1 = date1.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
const normalizedDate2 = date2.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

// Check if the normalized dates are the same
console.log(normalizedDate1 === normalizedDate2); // true

This code creates two Dayjs objects representing the same date and time, but in different formats. Then, we use the format method to normalize the dates to the same format. Finally, we compare the normalized dates using strict comparison and get true because they are the same.

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