jquery mouseup javascript

jQuery Mouseup Event and Its Usage in JavaScript

If you are looking for a way to detect when a mouse button is released, then mouseup event in jQuery is the perfect solution for you. This event is triggered when a mouse button is released over an element.

jQuery Mouseup Syntax

  • selector: Specifies the element(s) that the mouseup event will be attached to.
  • function: Specifies the function to run when the mouseup event is triggered.

jQuery Mouseup Example

Let's say you have a button on your webpage and you want to run a function when a user releases the mouse button over the button element. Here's how you can achieve that using jQuery:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>jQuery Mouseup Event Example</title>

<button id="myBtn">Click me</button>

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#myBtn").mouseup(function() {
        alert("Mouse button released.");


In the code above, we have attached the mouseup event to a <button> element with an ID of "myBtn". When the user releases the mouse button over the button, an alert message will be displayed.

Using Mouseup Event in Vanilla JavaScript

While jQuery is a great library, you may want to use plain JavaScript for your project. Here's how you can achieve the same result using vanilla JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Mouseup Event Example</title>

<button id="myBtn">Click me</button>

const myBtn = document.querySelector("#myBtn");
myBtn.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
    alert("Mouse button released.");


In the code above, we have used the addEventListener() method to attach the mouseup event to the <button> element with an ID of "myBtn". When the user releases the mouse button over the button, an alert message will be displayed.

So, there you have it! Two ways to detect when a user releases the mouse button over an element using jQuery and vanilla JavaScript. Choose the one that suits your project best!

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