javascript onkeyup multiple classes
JavaScript onKeyUp Multiple Classes
If you are looking to use JavaScript onKeyUp event on multiple classes, there are multiple ways to do it. Here are some ways to achieve it:
Option 1: Loop through all elements
You can loop through all elements with the specified class and attach the onKeyUp event to each of them. Here is an example code:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.myClass');
for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener("keyup", function() {
// code to execute onKeyUp event
In this code, we are selecting all elements with class "myClass" using querySelectorAll() method. Then, we are looping through each element using for loop and attaching the onKeyUp event using addEventListener() method.
Option 2: Use Event Delegation
You can also use event delegation to attach the onKeyUp event to multiple classes. In this method, you attach the event to a parent element and then check which child element triggered the event. Here is an example code:
var parent = document.getElementById('parentElement');
parent.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if('myClass')) {
// code to execute onKeyUp event
In this code, we are attaching the onKeyUp event to a parent element with id "parentElement". Then, we are checking which child element triggered the event using classList.contains() method.
Option 3: Use jQuery
If you are using jQuery in your project, you can easily attach onKeyUp event to multiple classes using jQuery selectors. Here is an example code:
$('.myClass').on('keyup', function() {
// code to execute onKeyUp event
In this code, we are selecting all elements with class "myClass" using jQuery selector and attaching the onKeyUp event using on() method.
These are some ways to use JavaScript onKeyUp event on multiple classes. Choose the one that suits your project requirements.