javascript regex remove numbers

Javascript Regex: Remove Numbers

If you need to remove numbers from a string in Javascript, you can use regular expressions (regex) with the replace() method.

Method 1: Remove all numbers

To remove all numbers from a string, you can use the regex pattern /\d+/g. This pattern matches one or more digits (0-9) globally throughout the string. Here's an example:

    const originalString = "I have 3 dogs and 2 cats.";
    const newString = originalString.replace(/\d+/g, "");
    console.log(newString); // Output: "I have  dogs and  cats."

The above code creates a new string by replacing all digits with empty strings. The g flag is used to make sure all instances of the pattern are replaced.

Method 2: Remove numbers at the beginning of a string

If you only want to remove numbers at the beginning of a string, you can use the regex pattern /^\d+/. This pattern matches one or more digits at the beginning of the string. Here's an example:

    const originalString = "123 apples and oranges";
    const newString = originalString.replace(/^\d+/, "");
    console.log(newString); // Output: " apples and oranges"

The above code creates a new string by replacing the digits at the beginning with an empty string. The ^ character matches the beginning of the string.

Method 3: Remove numbers at the end of a string

If you only want to remove numbers at the end of a string, you can use the regex pattern /\d+$/. This pattern matches one or more digits at the end of the string. Here's an example:

    const originalString = "I have 5 apples";
    const newString = originalString.replace(/\d+$/, "");
    console.log(newString); // Output: "I have 5 apples"

The above code creates a new string by replacing the digits at the end with an empty string. The $ character matches the end of the string.

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