javascript run function once

How to Run a JavaScript Function Only Once

As a web developer, I have come across situations where I need to run a JavaScript function only once. There are a few ways to achieve this.

Using a Boolean Flag

One way to run a function only once is to use a boolean flag. This flag will keep track of whether the function has already been executed or not. Here is an example:

let hasExecuted = false;

function runOnce() {
  if (!hasExecuted) {
    console.log("This function will only run once.");
    hasExecuted = true;

runOnce(); // Output: This function will only run once.
runOnce(); // Output: Nothing will be output because the function has already been executed.

Using the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) Pattern

Another method is to use the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) pattern. This pattern allows us to define a function and execute it immediately. Here is an example:

(function() {
  console.log("This function will only run once.");

The function is defined and executed immediately without being stored in a variable. This method ensures that the code inside the function runs only once.

Using Local Storage

A third method is to use Local Storage. Local Storage is a web storage API that allows us to store data in the user's web browser. Here is an example:

function runOnce() {
  if (!localStorage.getItem("hasRun")) {
    console.log("This function will only run once.");
    localStorage.setItem("hasRun", true);

runOnce(); // Output: This function will only run once.
runOnce(); // Output: Nothing will be output because the function has already been executed.

In this example, we check if we have previously set the "hasRun" key in local storage. If it has not been set, we execute the code inside the function and set the "hasRun" key in local storage.


There are multiple ways to run a JavaScript function only once. Whether you choose to use a boolean flag, the IIFE pattern or Local Storage, each method has its own advantages. It's important to choose the method that fits your specific use case.

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