javascript set input value by class name

Javascript Set Input Value by Class Name

As a web developer, I have come across situations where I needed to set the value of an input field by class name using Javascript. There are various ways to achieve this, and I will explain some of them below:

Using Document Query Selector

The easiest way to set the input value by class name is by using the document query selector method. The query selector method allows you to select elements in the DOM using CSS selectors.

// Get the input element by class name
var input = document.querySelector('.classname');

// Set the input value
input.value = 'New Value';

In the above example, we first get the input element by its class name using the document query selector method. Then, we set the value of the input field using the value property.

Using Get Element by Class Name

Another way to set the input value by class name is by using the get element by class name method. This method returns a collection of all elements that have a specified class name.

// Get all elements with classname
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('classname');

// Loop through elements and set value
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  elements[i].value = 'New Value';

In the above example, we first get all elements with the specified class name using the get element by class name method. We then loop through all the elements and set their value using the value property.

Using JQuery

If you are using JQuery, then setting the input value by class name is even easier.

// Set the input value
$('.classname').val('New Value');

In the above example, we simply select the input element using its class name and set its value using the val method.


Setting an input value by class name using Javascript is a common task in web development. There are various ways to achieve this, and it depends on your preference and the tools you are using. I hope this article helps you in your web development journey.

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