like in mongodb

  <p>MongoDB is a document-based open source database management system that stores data in JSON-like documents. It is an open-source, NoSQL database system that uses a document-oriented data model, which means that data is stored in collections that contain documents. Each document can contain different fields with different data types. In MongoDB, documents are stored in collections and collections are stored in databases.</p>

  <p>When working with MongoDB, the first step is to create a database. A database is a logical entity that holds collections of documents. A MongoDB database can contain multiple collections, and each collection can contain any number of documents. Documents can be inserted into a collection and retrieved from a collection using MongoDB’s query language.</p>

  <p>MongoDB stores information in documents, which are data objects that have an associated set of key-value pairs. The documents can be retrieved from collections by using queries. MongoDB provides a powerful query language that can be used to query documents in collections.</p>

  <p>MongoDB also provides a rich set of features for scalability and availability, such as replication, sharding, and automated failover. Replication allows multiple copies of the same data to be stored in different servers, and sharding allows data to be distributed across multiple servers. Automated failover ensures that the data is always available and accessible even if one of the servers fails.</p>

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