Masonry js css

Masonry js css

If you are looking to create a dynamic grid layout for your website, then Masonry JS CSS is a great option to consider. Masonry is a JavaScript library that allows you to create responsive, grid-style layouts with ease. It works by positioning elements vertically and horizontally based on available space, creating a dynamic and visually appealing layout for your website.

How to Use Masonry JS CSS

Using Masonry JS CSS is fairly simple. First, you need to include the Masonry library in your HTML code:

<script src=""></script>

Next, you need to initialize Masonry on your grid container. For example, if you have a grid container with the ID of "grid", your code would look like this:

<div id="grid">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

  var grid = document.getElementById('grid');
  var masonry = new Masonry(grid, {
    // Options here

You can then customize your Masonry layout using various options such as column width and gutter size. Here is an example of how you can set these options:

  var masonry = new Masonry('#grid', {
    itemSelector: '.grid-item',
    columnWidth: 200,
    gutter: 20

In this example, we are setting the item selector to ".grid-item", which is the class name we are using for our grid items. We are also setting the column width to 200 pixels and the gutter size to 20 pixels.

Other Options

There are many other options you can use with Masonry JS CSS, such as resizing and repositioning items based on their content, adding animations, and more. You can find a full list of options and documentation on the Masonry website.

Overall, Masonry JS CSS is a powerful tool for creating dynamic, responsive grid layouts on your website. It is easy to use and highly customizable, making it a great option for web developers of all skill levels.

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