Material-ui bank icon

Material-UI Bank Icon

If you are using Material-UI in your project and you need to add a bank icon, Material-UI provides an Icon component that can be used to display icons on your web page. The bank icon can be found in the Material-UI Icons library.

Using the Material-UI Icon Component

The Icon component can be imported from Material-UI and used in your web page as shown below:

import React from 'react';
import Icon from '@material-ui/core/Icon';

function BankIcon() {
  return (

export default BankIcon;

The above code shows how to import the Icon component from Material-UI and display the bank icon using the component. The name of the icon is passed as a child to the Icon component.

Using the Material-UI Icons Library

Material-UI also provides an Icons library that contains all the icons available in Material Design. To use the bank icon from the library, you can import it as shown below:

import React from 'react';
import AccountBalanceIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AccountBalance';

function BankIcon() {
  return (

export default BankIcon;

The above code shows how to import the bank icon from the Material-UI Icons library and display it using a functional component.


The bank icon can be easily added to your project using the Icon component or by importing it from the Material-UI Icons library. Choose the method that suits your needs and enjoy building your web application with Material-UI.

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