Parsing the URL string using the Legacy API

Parsing a URL string using the Legacy API can be done in a few different ways. One of the simplest solutions is to use the `URLSearchParams` method, which is built into the browser. This method will parse the query string of the URL and return an object with key-value pairs that correspond to the query parameters. Here is an example of how to use `URLSearchParams`: ``` const urlString = '¶m2=value2'; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(urlString); const param1 = urlParams.get('param1'); // value1 const param2 = urlParams.get('param2'); // value2 ``` In addition to the `URLSearchParams` method, another option is to use the `URL` constructor. This is also built into the browser and allows you to create a new `URL` object from an existing URL string. Once you have the `URL` object, you can call the `searchParams` method to return a `URLSearchParams` object. Here is an example of how to use the `URL` constructor: ``` const urlString = '¶m2=value2'; const url = new URL(urlString); const params = url.searchParams; const param1 = params.get('param1'); // value1 const param2 = params.get('param2'); // value2 ``` Finally, if you need to parse a URL string that is not well-formed (e.g. it has spaces in the query string), you can use a third-party library such as `query-string`. This library will parse the query string and return an object that contains the key-value pairs. Here is an example of how to use `query-string`: ``` const urlString = '¶m2=value2'; const params = queryString.parse(urlString); const param1 = params.param1; // value1 const param2 = params.param2; // value2 ``` Regardless of which approach you use, parsing the URL string using the Legacy API is a straightforward task. If you need to parse a URL string that is not well-formed, you may need to use a third-party library, but for standard query strings the built-in methods should be sufficient.

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